Master Thesis

Registering the Master Thesis

First you need to find a university, institute or company in Germany, Denmark or abroad, where you can complete your Master Thesis. Then you should select a supervisor at the external institution as well as a 1st examiner and a co-examiner from the Technische Hochschule or Universität zu Lübeck and get their agreement on the topic. The co-examiner is mainly important for the final oral exam.

Important: In order to  register for the Master Thesis, you need to have all credits from the 1st semester and at least 20 credits from the second semester.

The topic title, with which you register your Master Thesis, will be the one that is valid and will later appear on your Master Degree Certificate. No later changes within the title are possible. Therefore also, write in clear handwriting.

After having completed a rough draft of the schedule and some weeks of experience you may register your thesis by filling out the following form and submitting it to the Secretariat of the department of Applied Natural Sciences in Building 13, Room 0.21 -  an(at)

Master Thesis registration form

Master Thesis regulations

Submitting the Master Thesis and Registering the final oral exam

Six months after the filled in starting date - at the latest - you must submit the completed Master Thesis in 2 hard copies to the Secretariat of the department of Applied Natural Sciences.

The submission date on the registration form is the date that counts as deadline!

The Thesis can be submitted in person or via post to the following address:

Department of Applied Natural Sciences
Technische Hochschule Lübeck
Fachbereich Angewandte Naturwissenschaften
Mönkhofer Weg 239
23562 Lübeck

You must fill out the following form and submit it to the Secretariat of the department of Applied Natural Sciences. At this point you also register for the final oral exam. You should coordinate a date with your supervisor and examiners in advance. The oral exam normally takes place one to two weeks after having submitted the Master Thesis. You should arrange the date with your supervisors.

Master Thesis submission and final oral exam registration form


1 page publishable general abstract/summary


Please remember to hand back all books to the library and all lab keys that you still have in your possession to the TH janitor.

Please, fill out and hand in the Exmatriculation document to the secretariat AN (can be done via email), stating when you want to be exmatriculated after your final exam. You may either be exmatriculated at the end of the month, in which you have received your certificate or the end of the semester.

The exmatriculation document you have to show to the health insurance and the Ausländerbehörde.

Graduation and Certificate

There are two official graduation ceremonies for all students taking place each year - one in March and one in September. You will be invited personally in advance to take part and receive your certificate (or a copy) in person.

Normally, it takes up to 3 weeks after your final oral exam before you receive your final certificates. They will be sent to you automatically, so it is important that you fill in your updated address in the qis-portal. In the meantime the secretariat can provide you with an official document stating that you have successfully completed the Master's Thesis.